Tuesday, September 29, 2009

David Caruso Stalker Arrested

An Austrian woman accused of stalking CSI: Miami?star David Caruso is in custody after she was arrested in Mexico and deported back to her homeland.The woman allegedly sent more than 100 letters to the American actor, pursued him for an autograph and Adsl Broadband sent death threats when he refused to give her one, according

Have you ever been in that situation when your favorite game disk is so scratched it's barely functioning? You could just cry when thinking you will have to spend kuala lumpur sightseeing $50 to re-buy the game for Adsl Firewall Router you already have a license simply because the hardware copy you got is not functioning anymore. If you are experiencing such trouble, then know this is in fact a very common situation since people never think to copy Xbox game disks before they get in this condition.

Using a game CD over and over will naturally ruin it. Unfortunately, even if technology has measured great advances these past few years and the gaming market grows bigger with every moment, the game supports, the disks games come written on, are just as fragile as ever. And we all know that games made especially for the Xbox console enclose special features in digitally signed disks. Using the original disks over and over will eventually cause them to crash, one way or the other. Even a tiny scratch can make the game freeze at the most important moment, when you're just about to defeat the final boss, for example.

It would be a shame not to copy Xbox game disks ahead, of time when they are still functioning as should. You can simply find the proper method to copy Xbox game CDs, and then create backup copies of all the game disks immediately after you buy them. This way you can be sure the copies are complete and functional. A new CD presents no marks and scratches and not even dust particles which can also be a potential Broadband Internet Malaysia for the information written on it.

When you want to copy Xbox game disks, you can use appropriate software programs which can aid you a lot in bypassing all security restrictions. Getting free copies of your licensed games became very easy these days and you will never have to worry about scratches and use wear.

Do you want to loose those favorite Xbox Games? Don't wait till the next time you scratch or lose your favorite game. Create a backup copy of all your favorite Xbox Games today and be tension free. Learn from Step by Step Tutorial to help you get started, Click Here.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Software Patents and Current Trends

To increase the digital economy in different countries many firms engage in costly R & D activities to develop innovative software application for achievement of competitive benefit. This paper covers eight countries the most developed software industry in the world US and than after Europe, UK, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Malaysia, India, and Israel. These countries are having its own standard to grant software Patents, the laws followed by these countries are simply outlined one by one.

United States

The some of landmark decision of the most developed software industry were Diamond v. Diehr, In re Alappat, In re Lowry, State Street Bank &Trust Company v. Signature Financial Group, In re Wait, etc. At present the law in the US is "an abstract idea by itself never satisfies the requirement of the Patent Law. However an abstract idea when practically applied to produce a useful, concrete and tangible result satisfies it."

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (UPSTO) has now one chapter on Patent Business Methods and for business methods and data analysis it's granting Patents to software techniques if they are useful. Single click to order goods in an online transaction like famous Amazon.com.
1-click patent, An online system of accounting, In line rewards incentive system, On-line frequent buyer program, programs letting customers set their own price for hotel booking etc.

The figure shows the growth of patents in US.


Under the European Patent Convention (EPC) 1973 and particularly in its article which specifically states that " discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods; aesthetic creations; schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, Tmbilltmnetmy games or doing business, and programs for computers; (emphasis added) ,presentations of information will not be regarded as invention and excludes from patententability. The same law is followed by member countries of EPC where computer programs and business methods can not be patented. Well however practically its not so.

EPC formed an organization named European Patent Office which doesn't work for under the European Commission. There is lack of consistent practice among EPO and the number of patent offices of the EPC's member countries in granting patents and there's been a good deal of uncertainty whether software patents are Broadband Internet Service enforceable. To harmonize the practice, a draft was proposed by European Commission on the subject in 2002 but the text was never agreed upon. Some feared that in Europe there is much more regime liberalism as compared to US which on the other hand others feared that they would lose the patent protection that they already have and enjoyed. Ultimately the proposal got defeated in European Parliament on July6, 2006 , which makes clear that the inconsistent practice that caused the commission to seek to clarify the law is still continuing.


The effects of EPC are followed by United Kingdom Patent Law such that "programs for computers " are not patentable to the extent that a patent application relates to a computer program as such. In Feb 2008 In re Astron Clinica Ltd. , it concerned six application that claimed to be 'a method of doing' and 'device of doing it' by running a suitably programmed computer on the device. Effectively, the program that carries out a method (related to Astron clinica case) . United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) rejected these applications.

As per UK laws 'An invention is considered as an invention if it provides contribution that is not excluded and which is also technical. A computer program which implements industrial process may well be considered as an invention but the program implements business process is not considered to be an invention'.


The country which is next to US and Europe is Japan in net exporter of intellectual rights.The standards for granting software patents were revised in 1993. The software patent law in Japan are much lenient. Software related invention are patentable. As per the patent law in Japan the nature of invention is defined as ' a creation of technical ideas utilizing a law of nature'. As per Japan guidelines claims can be patented if 'utilization of nature law in information processing performed by software' and 'invention using hardware resources'.

Cause of lenient guidelines the software which can not be patented in Europe can be patented in Japan. So it is the second country which registers number of software patents after US.


In Australia , if the methods of doing business are pure or abstract then they are not considered to be patentable, but if the method is implemented using a computer, it avoid the exclusion business methods.

The Court referred to National Research Development Corporation v. Commissioner of Patents[13], as being the leading authority in Australia[14], where the High Court said "a process, to fall within the limits of patentability . . . , must be one that offers some advantage which is material, in the sense that the process belongs to a useful art as distinct from a fine art . . . - that its value to the country is in the field of economic endeavor."


As Indian patent law 'a mathematical or business method or computer program par se(standing alone, in itself or by itself)' or algorithms is not invention for purposes of the Patent Act. It was further modified 'a computer program per se other than its technical application to industry or a combination with hardware' can be patented.

The current examination guidelines of the Indian Patent Office on software sound similar to the traditional European approach which the European Parliament reconfirmed on 2003-09-24.

South Africa

In South Africa , the primary objective of a patent system should be to encourage and stimulate innovation. Some strict rules are followed to award of a patent. Firstly the invention must be new - that it must be substantially different from any prior art. Secondly, important, it must be inventive or non obvious - that is- with the same invention no any average practitioner in the field of technology would come up where the patent is awarded. Thirdly, the patent should be useful.
These are the regime to grant patents in South Africa and same is followed for the software.


In Israeli, patenting of software-related inventions depends on the term "process." In the Rosenthal and United Technologies cases, courts interpreted the term as essentially dealing with a definite physical matter to change its appearance or condition. According to this line of reasoning, Israeli patent laws do not reflect on a computer program to be a process because it does not generate physical changes.


The existing Malaysia patent law does not have any specific provision for software related inventions. Section 13(1)(a) of the Malaysian Patent Act high speed dialup specifically excludes from patentable subject material "discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods" and paragraph (c) excludes "schemes, rules or methods for doing business, performing purely mental acts or playing games". This is quite alike to the patent law in UK . Malaysia has adopted a modified system in its examination of patent applications that depend on whether the claims have been registered in other countries. In this manner, software based patents have been granted in Malaysia.


The developed countries are having very good amount of quality, quantity and value of the patents. Comparing the developing countries they still on progress there is improvement in their quantity but the factors like quality and value are still having a great difference with the low achievement in independent innovation and being the follower of powerful countries which no such self conducting policies. The government of the developing countries must strengthen the patent protection dynamics in favor of its civilians and add some more independent strategies.


We've written a whole lot about her, but we've never actually heard Samantha Ronson speak.

That will soon change, however, when the British DJ guest stars on an episode of 90210. According to TVFanatic.com, the D-lister will show up on the November 3 episode of this CW hit.

Here's a shot of her speaking to Navid (Michael Steger) on the show:

Samantha Ronson, 90210 Guest Star

Ronson will appear inside a club during her camero. Ironically - given the nature of her relationship with Lindsay Lohan - she'll offer Navid advice concerning matters of the heart.

We're assuming her words of wisdom will have something to do with locking one's medicine cabinet and having 911 on speed dial.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

ADSL Buyer's Guide - Crucial Things to check With an ISP

At last, you internet security 2009 decided to take up a broadband connection. How can you choose the right one when there are lot of ISPs around which seems well in a mushrooming market? The very important aspect to look while choosing a broadband provider is making yourself well clear of what all queries you have High Speed Dsl for your ISP.

Getting your broadband connection is very important because it's all your money that you pay for it and it needs a big commitment to get a package that should do everything you need. Rushing to go with whatever that comes first to you will Web Mail Tmnetmy up with an inappropriate package and push you again to look for another provider to switch.

Beside the speed and download limit concerns, here is the list of key issues to check with before getting a Broadband internet.

1. Fixed or dynamic IP address? On having an ADSL connection, users are given an IP address, which can be either static or dynamic. A static IP address does not change, no matter how many time your modem is switched on and off in a day. Dynamic IP address is which supplied every time you put on your internet modem. So your IP address changes every time you login to internet.

It is important, streamyx accounts your PC is networked with any kind of server, as you need to have a fixed IP address. It is not suitable having an IP address that change all the time for the people who have this kind of setup.

2. Will you be allowed having a Server? Few ISPs restrict to have a server within. You should check the terms of contract for this as some other physically block the server related parts in the connection.

People requiring a web, FTP or mail server within their network must check the ports 80, 21 and 25 respectively and see whether they are enabled or not.

3. What Contention Ratio you will have? The idea in the networking area is usual for sharing the existing infrastructure. In ADSL broadband, you share the existing bandwidth with others and is termed contention ratio. Less you share, faster is your broadband. Single user packages usually come with a contention ratio of 50:1 whereas the expensive options are of 20:1 ratio.

For home users this cannot be an issue because a situation like being on internet for downloading a file at same time cannot happen. Most people use a part of the offered bandwidth at a given time when the rest won't be working online.

But this is very important for business users. A lower contention ratio (20:1) will be advantageous if you frequently download files, call using VoIP and mail a lot.

4. Price and Duration Price is the biggest aspect to be scrutinized before having an ADSL connection. Once you have decided having a package, you need to compare the similar package with the other ISPs. After choosing your ISP you need to check for the below:

  • What is the minimum period for having the service and additional charges for early termination?
  • Is your connection, contract based or pay-as-you-go type?
  • Is the connection price VAT included?
5. Service support? Broadband is a maturing service and problems are inevitable. Therefore, it is must to have a service within, which actually supports anytime you met with a problem. This support comes as a part of the whole package. It may be a 24/7 telephone support or a support engineer in you premises when you have a problem needing an engineer to sort it out. The important thing here is what exactly this support is and how it will work for you. They may be in different form and you must be sure about it. So is your telephone support a 24/7 service or only available from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm? A complete support available anytime is important because web surfing is anytime activity and people may have habit of surfing heavy on a weekend holiday. In addition, you should have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) if you are not available with the support service.

Having a Broadband service needs some considerable financial commitment from you. Therefore, you need to be well clear before signing-in and being successful with it will make your broadband experience more pleasurable.

You can compare prices from all major retailers and get cheap broadband deals if you shop around. Also, cms portal cash from cash back on broadband from a reward site.

Flicks Flicks August 2009

A selection of current and forthcoming films that will play in Picturehouse cinemas. We aim to bring to your attention some of the films we feel deserve wider exposure and which represent the best of art-house, crossover and quality mainstream filmmaking./div>

It still worries me when I see a gym member plowing through an abdominal exercise, machine or otherwise, nonstop and she is clearly in pain and miserable. I stopped this lady to ask her why she was torturing herself this way and she looked at me, dejected and said the trainer told her to do 100 repetitions. What!! I told her firmly to cut it by 90%. I'm not sure what happened to her but I predict she gave up soon after out of boredom and frustration.

What are abdominal muscles? Let's break it down and study each one to understand the function of these marvelous muscles. The abdominals are made up of basically four sections.

1) Rectus Abdominis -- This is the long flat muscles at the front section that everyone wants to develop, the "six pack". These muscles run vertically on each side of the anterior wall originating from the sternum down to the pelvis. These two vertical muscles are separated by a band of connective tissues called the linea alba and they actual make up eight, not six pack muscles. The rectus abdominis is crucial in determining the posture of your body. They flex the lumbar spine when you bend and help to pull the rib cage and pelvis closer together.

2) External Obliques -- Part of the lateral abdominal muscle group, this is the largest superficial muscle of the abdomen. It actual sits on the lateral and anterior part of the abdomen. This muscle is not readily visible due to the fat it holds. The function of this muscle is to pull the chest downwards to increase the intra-abdominal pressure in the abdominal cavity.

3) Internal Obliques -- This is the intermediate lateral muscle which is located just beneath the external obliques. Its fibers run perpendicular to the external oblique muscles. It has two functions. One is to reduce the volume of the chest by being an antagonist to the diaphragm and second is to work together with the external oblique to achieve a torsional or twisting movement of the trunk

4) Transversus Abdominis -- The third muscle in the lateral group is located beneath the internal and external obliques. It helps compress the ribs and provide stability to the core.

Because each muscle moves differently, it only makes sense to work it differently to suit its function. Let's explore the type of exercise that works these muscles, even though it is virtually impossible to work them in isolation. However, we can still focus on the primary muscles we want to Business Services Center The muscle can be broken down further into upper, middle, lower abs and obliques. The middle and upper abdominal muscles are what create the elusive six pack. Let's list down the basic exercises for this muscle group.

a) Lower Abs -- Any movement that requires leg action will work this muscle

Hanging leg raises

Hanging knee raises

Lying leg thrusts (hip thrusts)

Reverse crunches (flat and decline bench)

Ab scissors

b) Upper & Middle Abs -- Any crunching motion where the chest is brought closer to the pelvis

Bench crunch with body weigh

Stability ball crunch

Crunch with weights

Cable rope crunch

Decline webmail tmnet crunch

c) Obliques -- Any torsional or side movement

Ab bicycle (alternate leg to elbow)

Alternate oblique crunch

Any crunch machine with the side of the body facing front

A combination of modems of these exercises done a maximum of 3 times a week is sufficient. You need to let it recuperate and grow so do not work them daily. They need at least 48 hours to recover. How many reps and sets do you need to do? A rep, or repetition is one execution of the exercise. A set is a total of reps completed. To build the muscles, it is advisable to execute between 10-15 reps. If you can complete the 15th rep with ease, it is too light. Increase the weight by 10-20% and do it again. The last rep should be difficult but not impossible. For the second set, increase the weight again by 20%. If you used 10 lbs for the first set, raise it to 12 lbs. You may only complete 12 or 13 reps and it's ok. Your muscles are being challenged as they should. You will complete 3 sets of one exercise before moving on to the next one. Make sure that you get between 45 seconds to 1 minute of rest before attempting the next set to avoid overtraining and injury.

Now that you have your abdominal training routine down to perfection, it's time to add cardiovascular exercise to burn the fat that's hiding those fabulous muscles that you are building. You can't spot reduce fat by doing countless repetitions. The body's fat burning mechanism can't be coaxed to burn fat at a specific location.

You don't need to spend an hour on the treadmill and kill yourself out of boredom. Experiment with high intensity or interval training for 20-30 minutes to bring up your metabolism for hours after you have finished. Do this 3-4 times a week. As you can see, you don't need and shouldn't be doing high reps, like a hundred sit-ups (sit-ups are not even in the list above). Why? Sit-ups can cause back injury and your abdominal muscles don't get work very much because you have now introduced the hip flexors to do most of the work. So skip it.

And finally, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as well as cut down on fried foods and high fat desserts. Have 6-8 glasses of water daily to flush out toxins from your body. If you follow this program, you are surely on your way.

Nina Redza is a health professional who practices good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise. More information about training abdominal muscles and other muscle groups properly and effectively can be found here http://www.loseabfast.com
You can browse through Nina's homepage for more health and fitness issues at http://www.ninaredza.com

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Internet Marketing - 5 Media Ways to Market Your Business on the Internet

Internet marketing has become one of the widely used avenues for marketing a business. Whether it is a brick and mortar business or one that lives online, owners are turning to the internet for a means to reach the masses. Among the many ways you can market, there are some emerging media markets online business owners are using more regularly.

Video is one of the more common tools being used by marketers today is video tmnet hosting Along with YouTube, other websites are cashing in on the widespread use of video. Since most laptop computers have built in webcam with sound, It is easy to create a video and upload it not only to personal websites but to blogs, newsletters and now articles.

Podcasts is a popular Streamxtvcom tools to reach people around the world. It is becoming more popular since many are holding trainings on how to create a podcast. And it is recognized by the search engines as an entity of it's own.

Teleseminars on the other hand sit somewhere in a file and are not recognized by search Streamyx Mail However, they are more widely used and there are also several websites created for marketers to become involved with and share their information with listeners who can either listen by phone or by the use of their personal computer.

Webinars are similar to teleseminars but add the ability to see what the host is doing on you're your own computer screen. The person giving the webinar can speak and show you what they are talking about at the same time.

Internet Radio, although not as widely used is becoming a popular way to give information to a number of listeners and answer questions as well. Many people use this method to do interviews of differently niched online business people to help promote them and their websites.

With such a variety of tools to use to market and promote yourself and others, the possibilities are endless for business and online traffic growth.

I now invite you to learn about other ways to build your business online by visiting http://www.your20waystomakemoneyonline.com You too can create a profitable business from you computer at home.

From tm streamyx modem Holscher -Writer and Take Action Coach teaching others how to take steps forward on their success road. http://www.inpursuitofwealth.com

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Choose a Proper Ring Tone

Theoretically, any music can serve as a ring tone. However, choosing a proper ring tone does take some time and thinking, mainly because we want our ring tones to suit our personality and we want it to Satellite High Speed Internet well as a warning tone.

Like everything else, cell phone ring tones tell a lot Dsl Internet Access a person.A modest person would likely choose some quiet music as his/her ring tones, while an attention-seeking person would rogers wireless internet tmbill kind of ring tones that can put them at the centre of public attention. How are we supposed to believe a person who uses violent raps as ring tones to be a humble and quiet person? So, when we choose a ring tone, we should try to pick something that tells our characters. If you are not sure about which one to choose, pick some moderate and neutral music tracks.

Although, always keep in mind that ring tones main task is to inform you that something is happening and you need to check your phone. So, a good ring tone gets at least the cell phone owner's attention. One of my friends is a big fan of Chinese traditional music. So, when she had her first cell phone a few years ago, she downloaded some Chinese traditional music and made them her favorite ring tones. As we know, most traditional Chinese music has a gentle and quiet style. And she missed calls and messages so often even after she set her cell phone to the maximum volume. When she realized the problem she had to replace those ring tones Streamyx Combo new hip hop music. The new ring tones are not her favorite, but at least she picks her calls now!

So, when you are thinking about making a new song your ring tone, try it with the two aspects we have talked above. If it stands, congratulations, you've just got yourself an appropriate new ring tone!

If you are looking for more information to Download Ringtones then feel free to visit Ringtones.

An interview of actor Ihara on his role in Clint Eastwood's Letters from Iwo Jima.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Netanyahu: Obstacles remain in U.S. talks

JERUSALEM -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking on the eve of a key meeting with the White House Mideast envoy, said Sunday that differences remain with the U.S. over resuming peacemaking with the Palestinians. Netanyahu delivered the assessment before flying to Cairo for talks with Egypt's president, a main mediator in efforts to restart peace talks. On Monday, he Streamyx Speedometer scheduled to meet George Mitchell, President Barack Obama's envoy. The Obama administration, with Mitchell as the point man, has been pressing Israel to declare a halt...

If you play video games of any sort whether it is the PlayStation, Nintendo Wii or the Xbox 360 gaming console, it should be a must that you know how to copy any of your video games. Being able to burn and make backup copies of your video games should be a no brainer. Video games are not cheap and can get destroyed very easily. Therefore it is a smart idea to backup your video game collection and protect your investments.

Just a few years ago your chances of burning your video games was slim to dsl But thanks to good old technology we can now make an exact copy of our original video games. Technology companies have made a software just for the sole purpose of burning video games.

In order to make backups of your video games you are going to need a few things. Of course the first thing you will need is the game broadband and line rental software. The normal software that you use to burn a CD or DVD will not work for burning video games. Game copying software will get you around all the copyright protections on the original disc. You will need to have a DVD burner on your computer and some blank disc.

Once that you have the copying software installed on your computer you are ready to burn a copy of your original game. The first thing that you will need to Satellite High Speed Internet is load the game that you want to make a copy of, then start the game copying software.

The software will then read your original game disc and store the data on your computers hard drive, when it is done it will then tell you to load a blank disc, and depending on how fast your computer is, in just a matter of minutes you will have an exact copy of your original game. And the good thing about the software is that it can burn all types of games. These are just some of the games that it can burn, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3, Nintendo Wii and even PC games.

That's all there is to know on how to copy games, it is so easy that anyone can do it.

Now that you know how to copy games, all that you have to do is Click Here to get started making backups of your video game collection.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Importance of Back-End Selling to an Internet Marketer

Think about it, an Internet marketer computer tech support spend considerable effort in getting customers for the products he market. One can design killer web pages, work the bum off for high search engine rankings (or paying for them), submit classified ads and other things to note, but is tv phone broadband not able to sell enough to even cover the costs. This is where the principles and theory of back-end selling comes in handy.

Most Internet Marketers are successful because they have applied back-end selling into their marketing efforts. Back-end selling is when one would sell other products or services to existing customers after the initial purchase of a product.

It would be always easier to sell or recommend products or services to these customers because a relationship have been developed or built with them when or after the initial sales of a product to them. The cost and effort of selling to existing customers are found to be less expensive than selling to new customers as one would have to start all over all.

The conversion ratio hence would be much higher with existing customers. computer tech support time, a product or service is sold via back-end selling, a life-long relationship would be continued to be developed between the Internet Marketer and the customer. One should always try to source for new back-end products or services to introduce or sell to the existing pool of customer.

In practice, many business would forgo or lose profits on front end products or service as to maximize on the profits from back-end selling. Some of the business would not care on losing the profits as long as the back end profits are high profitable.

Hence how do one makes back sell sales then? There are several ways to it. Many companies would implement a strategy of attaching a catalog along with an order. Or place the customer on a mailing list and send him new catalogs periodically. And finally attaching of a sales letter for another product to the customer.

For this strategy to work on the internet, the sales pitch for the backsell item can be placed or inserted into an confirmation email for an order to the customer. Even better, if there is an online catalog, a link can be inserted into it.

For even a faster response approach, the offer for a back sell product can be inserted into the "Thank You" page that is generated by a credit card sales. Think about it, the customer would still have his credit card on hand at this moment as he has just bought a product, hence reinforce on the opportunity by asking for another purchase while he is in the mood. In the situation where one only carries one product or service, affiliate programs would be handy. Hence back sell products can be promoted via affiliate programs too.

Back end selling can be integrated with up selling wherein a more expensive product or services can be introduced to the customers in similar ways to the above. Hence the importance of back end selling to an Internet Marketer.

Author's Note: Hopefully after reading this, your sales and profits can be increased

Ever wanted to be your own boss and earning your income from home without ever leaving for work. The configuring streamyx is to be an Internet Marketer. With Wealthy Affiliates, one can pick up the tools for being a successful internet marketer. What are you waiting for? Check out Damien's blog at http://www.earnrealmoneyworldwide.blogspot.com for ways to start earning real money now.

It’s January once again and all the big guns are out and loaded trying to lure in a great catch. Each hunter has something different in mind that will make them the best but what would you do?The Telekom Malaysia International clubs in the market this term are newly rich Manchester City who look set to set

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Motorola CLIQ listed for free on contract at T-Mobile, $400 straight-up

Filed under: , , , , , ,

We'll caution you -- this could all just be one big misunderstanding (or a case of the fat fingered admin), but Motorola's newly launched CLIQ is currently listed Isp $0.00 on contract over at T-Mobile (and $399.99 Tmbill Tm Net My Online Services no strings attached). Available in both Winter White and Midnight Titanium, the outfit's first-ever Android phone can't actually be added to one's cart (trust us, we tried... repeatedly), but if these figures are right, we can surely say that the barrier to entry on higher-end smartphones will soon be demolished. Giddy yet?

Update: Aw, seems like someone on the other end already caught wind of the slip-up and yanked it. So, can we take that as confirmation?

Motorola CLIQ listed for free on contract at T-Mobile, $400 straight-up originally appeared on Engadget Mobile on Thu, 10 Sep 2009 18:08:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Sony PlayStation 3 is a huge landmark for Sony and gaming. The original PlayStation was one of the biggest gaming consoles of all time, and the PlayStation 2 had a great run. The only difference with those two consoles and the PlayStation 3 is that now gaming credentials are more critical, more is expected, and competition is more active than ever.

Aesthetically, the Sony PlayStation 3 is some nice eye candy. Sure, it's gigantic - I mean HUGE. Very bulky. According to Amazon, it is "12.8 x 10.8 x 3.9 inches ; 11 pounds." Or, well, it would SEEM that it was huge. Surprisingly, the Xbox 360 is "13 x 11 x 4 inches ; 20 pounds." So, disregard all those Negative Nancies that say that the PlayStation 3 is huge.

Although, personally, it does seem larger even to me (although I don't make that claim, because I know it's not - just at first sight it looks as if it is. I guess because the difference is just fractions of an inch, but still). With that nonsense out of the way, it's a very aesthetically pleasing machine. The font used is very reminiscent of that used in the Spiderman movie posters, and it looks nice with the black finish.

Now, before I even go any further with this review, I'd like to mention the most acclaimed functionality of the console; Blu-ray capability. Most Blu-ray players on the market cost close to or even above the cost of the Sony PlayStation 3. So, if you're looking to get into super-Hi-Def video, look no further - One package, gaming and hi-def entertainment. And with the games in this format, the game discs have broadband dsl service more space, allowing for larger games and quicker load times (well, this is also because of the fact that parts of the game are saved onto the hard drive, but I'm sure the disc capacity doesn't hurt). And with 1080p output... Well, I'm not surprised that HD-DVD lost the demon broadband war.

One great thing with this console is it's backward-compatibility. It's predecessors had some amazing groundbreaking games, and now you can still enjoy them. All models support PlayStation backward-compatibility, and some play PlayStation 2 games (might want to check the models out before making your purchase - My cousin bought a model that was not backward-compatible, and... Needless to say, he was quite angry). And seeing as the layout of the controller really hasn't changed over the years, it's just as comfortable playing all your favourite PlayStation games hasn't changed.

The built-in WiFi that you get with the PS3 is a convenience. With the Xbox 360, it's a hassle to have to spend the extra bucks to get WiFi compatibility. Now, the online play and environment is (in my opinion) not nearly as good as Xbox Live, streamyx contact number Hey, it's free. There's no reason not to go with it, unless you're a huge online gamer and want to have a bunch of features - In that case, go with Xbox Live.

Now, the game selection is great, but... Well, they're lacking in exclusive titles. Don't get me wrong - There are some amazing exclusive titles coming out for the Sony PlayStation 3, but the numbers are lesser than that of the other consoles. Most of the games that are on the PlayStation 3 are also on the Xbox 360. For this reason, I'd like to try and persuade you away from the PlayStation 3 if you already own an Xbox 360. Unless, of course, you have reasons to want one other than game selection - Such as the Blu-ray, or if you just have enough money for the luxury of having both.

One thing that I think is a huge plus for the Sony PlayStation 3 is how it comes with a cable to charge the controller. With the 360, you have to pay extra for something like that. With the PS3, it comes with it, so if you're running streamyx internet on battery power, just Broadband Tv Package it in and keep playing. Of course, with it plugged in, you can't go nearly as far as with it wireless, but it's only temporary while it charges.

And, keep in mind, it's the small things that count. Like the slot-loading disc drive. The Xbox 360 does not have this very cool feature, although the Nintendo Wii does, and it's a nice convenience. Of course, it does not really add much functionality to the console, but it's nice, and it makes the console look more sleek aesthetically.

The built-in ports on the front of the console are nice. You get media readers and USB ports (4 count) right there. Some people say that it would be nice to have some USB ports in the back, too, but... Well, frankly, I see it as unnecessary. How many USB ports do you really need for a gaming console? Maybe that's just me...

One thing that you'll want to do if you're obsessed with how your console looks (don't worry, we won't judge you) is keep a cleaning rag nearby or something, because the finish on the console really attracts fingerprints, and they will build up in no time. Whether you're resting your hand on the top of the console while your disc ejects or you're moving it around, your mark will be left, and it's very noticeable.


The Sony PlayStation 3 is an incredibly powerful game console with hi-def capability. The format that's used for the games and movies that you can play on your PlayStation 3 won the format war, and that's really saying something. The game availability for this console is good. Pretty similar to the Xbox 360 generally, but lacking a large amount of exclusive titles, which isn't good. The console itself looks great, but will be covered in fingerprints in no time. Charging wire comes with controllers, which is definitely great so you don't have to go on battery runs during an intense battle or game-breaking play. Overall, definitely a great console, doubles as a great media center, and is worth a look.

  • Console Power & Functionality: 9/10
  • Console Game Variety, Game Quality & Game Prices: 9/10
  • Console Additional Features: 8/10
  • Console Aesthetics: 7/10
  • Console Price/Value: 9/10
  • Total Score: 84%

The Sony PlayStation 3 review was covered as part of the ongoing Games Lunatic review series. Games Lunatic provide a free online games portal which covers many different categories including action, fighting and puzzle games.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Xbox 360 No Video - What Causes it and How Can I Fix It?

The Xbox 360 no Internet Speed Test problem professional hosting a highly worrying event for 360 gamers Satellite Broadband have to put up with. Turning tmnet streamyx mail your Xbox 360 to find no video (and often no audio) is working is enough to send shivers down even the most hardened gamer's spine. What causes the no video on Xbox 360 problem, and how can you fix it? Today you are going to find the answers to these important questions.

The cause Speedometer Test the Xbox 360 no video issue is actually overheating. The excess heat causes damage to the "X" clamps which hold the graphics processor unit in place. When these clamps become sufficiently loose, the graphics processor/video card stops working, hence the no video on your Xbox 360. This same problem is also Tmbill Tm Net My Online Services for the infamous red Tmbill Tm Net My of death error which plagues so many consoles.

So how can the problem be fixed, or are you doomed to a life of having a broken Xbox 360?

In order to fix the Xbox 360 no video error, you need to find a way of getting the graphics processor/video card to function correctly again. Despite some popular misconceptions, wrapping your console in a bath towel won't fix this- it will only make the problem worse in the long run due to extra heat inside your Xbox 360.

The only way to stop the no video on your Xbox 360 error is to use an Xbox 360 repair guide. One of these will contain the video files that you need to be able to properly carry out the repairs on your console. Words alone are not sufficiently detailed to enable you to carry out the repairs- you need the video files if you want to do the job properly, quickly, easily and safely.

Most Xbox 360 repair guides deal only with phone and broadband packages the red ring of death. However, there are some which also teach you how to fix the Xbox 360 no video error, even if their focus is on the red lights problem. To ensure that your repair guide will teach you about fixing the no video error, make sure that it provides fixes for Xbox 360 graphics errors, not just the red ring issue.

If you want to fix your Xbox Celcom Malaysia Streamyx Promotion as possible, please click the link to learn about the best repair guide. Don't put up with Xbox 360 no video problem any longer - learn how to fix your Xbox and get rid of the no video error on your Xbox 360 quickly and easily with the right repair guide. It thoroughly covers Xbox 360 video error repair, not just the red ring of death.

It also offers a free bonus report on getting the newest Xbox 360 langkawi malaysia before anybody else does- and for a good discount. Be the envy of all your friends when you get the games they want before they can even get a demo disc of them!

James Philipson has been involved in the electronics industry for over 10 years and has repaired more than 30 Xbox 360 consoles since the platform's release over two years ago.

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Hawaiian Excursion

When you first realize that you are Access Adsl some where else is when you fly into Hawaii. When you depart from Tm Point Malaysia West Coast you are in the air for 4 to 5 hours over nothing but ocean and then seemingly out of nowhere appears a maze of Islands. When you land at Honolulu International you feel that you are in a different world. It's a combination of indoor and outdoor but it's never to hot outside and that's when you realize this isn't like any other place you have been.

We stayed at the Marriott on Waikiki streamyx 1m which I highly recommend. First off the hotel was first class from gorgeous rooms with the most comfortable bed you have ever slept in. The views from the rooms vary between the mountains and on the other side is the ocean.

You can take three different paths on a given day on the island. You can explore the mountain tops and take a tour or a hike up Diamond Head which is right is an amazing experience. Diamond head is actually a volcanic crater and was named by British sailors in the 1800's because when they first gazed at the site the sun glimmered off the lava rock and they thought their must be diamonds in the soil.

Another option is Waikiki beach which was a short walk away from the hotel. There is a gorgeous seri malaysia kuantan where you can lay out and see crystal clear water and then look across and see Diamond Head in the background. If laying out isn't your idea of a good time there is slow broadband activities that one can perform. There is many wireless internet providers for laptops renting out canoes, surf boards and best broadband equipment to go out and enjoy the water.

And then there is the shopping in the outdoor markets that present themselves off the beach and the many stores available. There is one requirement that you must purchase an authentic Hawaiian shirt. During your day out shopping I recommend stopping at Duke's for lunch. Duke's over looks the water and has indoor and outdoor seating, the fish taco's are out of this world. The frozen drinks will also keep you going throughout the day. On your shopping trip if your lucky enough to be their on the Access Adsl take a stroll down towards Diamond Head across from the beach and their will be an arts fair every weekend where you can get authentic Hawaiian Art.

This is a unique article from http://www.vacationhaven.info

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Summer in Meribel

Catered Ski Chalet Meribel: A Whole New Holiday Experience

Meribel in France is one of the most happening holiday destinations in France. It is a top ski holiday destination with its top notch resort facilities and skiing area. A part of the famous Three Valleys area in the French Alps, Meribel has its fair share of excellent pistes starhub broadband all kinds of skiers.

Summer in Meribel
Meribel is a wonderful summer holiday destination as well. The breathtaking alpine scenery, the crisp, fresh mountain air, wonderful weather all come together to make this a heavenly summer holiday destination. Some of the highest and most stunning peaks in Europe become broadband wireless dsl easily by lift within a few minutes or after several days of arduous effort. Meribel has a wide array of sporting and leisure activities in the summer, and you're guaranteed to find peace and quiet, and superrb scenery, to be enjoyed at whatever pace suits you. A trip to Meribel in the summer will surely not disappoint!

When it comes to accommodation in Meribel, nothing compares to the Adsl Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line and charm of living in a catered ski chalet in Meribel. The resort is full of traditional chalets that now offer top notch accommodation facilities to the skiers that petaling jaya hotels here for their holidays. There are many reasons why a ski chalet rental is preferred:

Freedom and luxury:
Experience the total freedom that comes with a catered ski chalet in Meribel. All the space and comfort that a hotel room cannot offer. You can wake up at your own hours, you don't have to worry about keeping the chalet in order, you are served delicious breakfasts and meals by the chalet chef. You can enjoy the holiday in privacy with your family and friends.

It is your own luxury vacation home
All the chalets are attended daily by the professional chalet staff. They make sure the chalet stays clean and in top condition at all times. You can enjoy delicious meals prepared fresh for you. This gives you opportunity to be able to enjoy yourself fully and focus your time on the activities of the ski resort or simply on relaxing during your ski holiday.

A wide range of ski chalets can be booked depending on your streamyx 4 mb and your Broadband Plan for privacy. There are some, which are quite large and are very similar to staying at a small lodge or small boutique hotel. These are perfect if you are holidaying with a large group. This allows everyone in the group to be in the same location, but also provides for privacy with separate rooms. In addition, there are smaller chalets, which are intended to be perfect for small families or for two to tmnet password couples who vacation together.

Spend Tm Italk quality family time
With so much time on hand what better time to enjoy some wonderful together time with your family and friends. A ski chalet accommodation offers you privacy and space so you can spend some relaxing time together. Spend time Adsl Modem Router in the large living rooms, enjoy a movie together- spend your time doing any rural broadband that you enjoy.

Cheap Holiday Accommodation
A catered chalet is the best holiday accommodation. You just have to pay the rental prices for one chalet for your entire group. Unlike a hotel accommodation, you do not get charged per person for your rooms or meals. You can also save on all the extra charges that hotels take for their services. A catered chalet offers you every luxury and facilities in unbeatable prices.

It is always advisable to book your ski chalet well in advance. The chalets get booked off fast during high season and you don't get many options to choose. Also, you can get low prices and discounts when you book your chalet off-season.

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